I've been holding out on you. Well, sort of. A little bit, perhaps. When I was planning to weave my latests scarf (warp shown here; I really must do a post about the finished scarf sometime...) I orignally intended to use Bunnylace as the weft. So soft! So fluffy! So warm!! So I dyed some this soft latte colour - only it looked dreadful with the warp. It was too light, and had too much of a greying effect on the whole thing. So I pulled it out, and found a different weft. Since then, I've been doodling with the failed weft yarn - after all, it's already wound into a ball. So easy to pick up a pair of needles and play...
I think I'm finally getting something I like from my doodles. The overriding theme so far has been 'feathers'; the colour of the yarn reminds me of the collared doves who are currently raising two chicks in the nest they have built behind our satellite dish...
I'm maybe a quarter of the way through the design I have roughly sketched out in my head - and already the shawl is too big to pin out on the needles for a proper view. This is where things start to make me nervous. What if it won't block out properly when I'm done? What if the motifs don't flow into each other as they should?!
Well... How wrong could it go? At any rate, this yarn is lovely to knit with; soft as feathers and light as air.
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